Minggu, Februari 24, 2013

Kiroro - Mirae

Such a nice song to listen Kiroro - Mirae in the morning. Actually I have been listening to this song since I was in elementary school. Yea, this song was actually published in 1998, it means that I still was in the 4th grade of elementary school! Since my parents is working for Japanese Department in the university I studied,  I began to listen many Japanese song, although I don't really impress with. However, in my younger age, I used to listen to many kinds of Japanese songs, which now are difficult to find because I never know the song's titles. Kiroro was the one I knew, with their song Mirae, and it is a very nice song. You should listen to this song!

Just listen to the original singer, she really has a beautiful voice :')
it is an old video, haha

or maybe you also want to hear only the piano instrument, so beautiful, hmm....

And you may read the lyric and also the translation here, it is an awesome lyric :)

Japanese lyric

hora ashimoto wo mitegoran
kore ga anata no ayumu michi
hora mae wo mitegoran
are ga anata no mirai
haha ga kureta
takusan no yasashisa
ai wo idaite ayume to kurikaeshita
ano toki wa mada osanakute
imi nado shiranai
sonna watashi no te wo nigiri
issho ni ayundekita
yume wa itsumo
sora takaku aru kara
todokanakute kowai ne
dakedo oitsuzukeru no
jibun no sutoori dakara koso
fuan ni naru to te wo nigiri
issho ni ayundekita
sono yasashisa wo toki ni wa iyagari
hanareta haha e sunao ni narezu
hora ashimoto wo mitegoran
kore ga anata no ayumu michi
hora mae wo mitegoran
are ga anata no mirai
sono yasashisa wo toki ni wa iyagari
hanareta haha e sunao ni narezu
hora ashimoto wo mitegoran
kore ga anata no ayumu michi
hora mae wo mitegoran
are ga anata no mirai
hora ashimoto wo mitegoran
kore ga anata no ayumu michi
hora mae wo mitegoran
are ga anata no mirai
mirai e mukatte
yukkuri to aruite yukoo 

This is the translation, English version:

look at your feet and see
this is the path you walk
look in front of you and see
that is your future
Mother has given me a lot of kindness
"Embrace love and walk" she repeated
that time when I was childish and didn’t understand her meaning
she held my hand
together, walking we came.

dreams are always from high in the sky
it is scary that we might not reach them but continue to try
for this reason I won’t abandon my story
when I became anxious she held my hand
together, walking we came.

that kindness was occasionally unpleasant
when I was away from mother I couldn’t obey

look at your feet and see
this is the path you walk
look in front of you and see
that is your future

that kindness was occasionally unpleasant
when I was away from mother I couldn’t obey

look at your feet and see
this is the path you walk
look in front of you and see
that is your future

look at your feet and see
this is the path you walk
look in front of you and see
that is your future

slowly towards the future let’s walk

Happy listening :)

Sabtu, Februari 23, 2013


I couldn't speak right now, if I talk about it. There are so many question in my mind whether about me, you, us, or them! But I can only ask to myself without answering it or myself can't answer it. Aargh! Feels like I want to scream in somewhere cold, lonely, and peace. But I can't find it! or actually I can't go there! I can't lie about this writing. My heart is soooo complicated thinking about me, you, us, and them!

The most disturbing question is why should I be like this? and why should I put myself in this hard, unbelievable, confusing, and difficult situation? is it my destiny to be like this? oh gosh!!! and what should I do now? It's unbelievable! I do something that others maybe rarely do. So, I doubt about it.

What am I talking about, actually? I don't know!
Should I forget about it? or should I think that it never actually happens in my life?
so hard to answer it!

but I'll do my best to get the best from Him!
yeah...although I'm worried about it.

Please, save me from what I've done!
I hope doing the right thing. But please, save me!

Kamis, Februari 21, 2013


Aku kadang bertanya-tanya pada diri sendiri. Ketika jalan lurus itu sudah terbentang di depan mata, lalu kenapa malah tubuhnya meminta untuk mundur? Padahal hatinya yakin bahwa jalan itu memang lurus menuju tujuan yang selama ini ia inginkan. Kaki-kaki itu hanya tinggal melangkah ke depan menuju masa depan yang pasti cerah sesuai yang ia yakini dalam hatinya. Hanya saja, mengapa godaan jalan di belakang tubuh itu begitu besar sehingga seolah-olah masih ada seutas benang yang belum terputus, ternyata dengan sangat kuat bisa menarik tubuhnya itu. Atau bahkan, kaki-kaki mereka sudah melangkah di jalan yang pasti menyelamatkan dirinya, tapi ternyata benang yang tidak terlihat itu menariknya mundur dan membawanya berjalan di atas jalan yang justru menyesatkan dirinya. Heran, aku heran!

Memang semua itu pilihan! Pilihan saya atau diri Anda sendiri. Anda bebas memilihnya sesuai dengan keyakinan Anda! Tapi bukankah ada sebuah petunjuk yang bisa mengantarkan Anda pada sebuah pilihan yang pasti?! Lalu, mengapa banyak sekali orang yang masih meragukan kebenarannya. Indera manusia dan akal manusia memang terbatas, dan mereka terlalu banyak tertipu oleh pandangan dunia yang kadang cukup memuaskan ego untuk melakukan pembenaran terhadap apa yang mereka yakini. Atau justru mereka menafikan kebenaran itu, untuk mengalihkan perhatiannya kepada yang lain, sesuatu yang membuat mereka terlupa bahkan sengaja dihilangkan hanya untuk memuaskan hasrat terdalam dari jiwanya.

Kadang itu pula yang muncul dalam diri saya sendiri. Bukan karena keragu-raguan atau apalagi ketidakpercayaan. Tetapi terpedaya dalam tipuan itulah justru yang sering kali muncul, diiming-imingi oleh ketidakpastian, didorong oleh hasrat terpendam yang mengikat, dibuai oleh sedapnya pemandangan yang terlihat oleh mata yang sangat terbatas jarak pandangnya. Pemberontakan diri kadang muncul dalam suasana tidak terduga. Bahkan terbesit pula keinginan dalam sisi lain dari jiwa ini, untuk menembus terowongan gelap yang membutakan mata. Astaghfirullahaladzim.

Life is choice! Kata-kata itu begitu terngiang-ngiang dalam lubuk hati terdalam. Pilihan yang sudah kita ambil memang beresiko, pilihan apa pun itu! Apalagi ketika diri ini mengingat bahwa ini memang permintaan dari sebuah jiwa yang kosong tak berisi kepada Sang Maha Pemberi. Lalu, mengapa aku harus membuang pemberian dari-Nya?! Rugi sekali diri ini! Lalu ketika Anda berada dalam ketidakpastian, atau kebimbangan, mengapa Anda tidak meminta padaNya? Bukankah Anda yakin, bahwa Ia akan selalu menolong Anda? Minta saja pada-Nya!

Waktu demi waktu terus berlalu, seiring dengan itu, daun-daun yang layu pun mulai berguguran ke atas tanah, menjadi sesuatu yang busuk, dan akhirnya hancur berkeping-keping terbawa angin. Bagiku, menjadi sebuah daun hijau segar yang tinggal bersama pohon adalah pilihan. Aku tidak mau menjadi daun layu yang kemudian rapuh dan akhirnya membusuk di atas tanah. Ini semua adalah pilihan. Dan aku akan meminta kepada-Nya kembali, agar aku senantiasa menjadi daun hijau segar yang tak akan pernah lepas dari pohonnya sekuat apapun angin berhembus menggoyangkan tubuh sang pohon.

Begitu pula dengan Anda. Tidak pernah ada abu-abu dalam kehidupan ini. Anda harus memilih menjadi putih, atau hitam! Tidak bisa abu-abu! Melangkahlah secara pasti, jangan pernah takut, karena Ia selalu mengiringi langkah-langkah kecil kita, menghitung berapa banyak jejak-jejak kita di jalan-Nya, dan akhirnya Ia juga yang akan menyediakan tempat peristirahatan bagi kita di ujung jalan-Nya. Mari kita melangkah bersama wahai saudaraku!

Sabtu, Februari 16, 2013

Childhood Dreams

Hey, I am grown up now! Yes of course, I'm 22-yo now, Oww, old enough to be mature! But, why don't I take a little look back to my child-time. Since I'm now a young adult, maybe, and I still have only few goal achievements in my lifetime. Well, maybe I just wanna make a reminiscence to my childhood dreams. Everybody must have their childhood dreams, right?! Whether it is becoming true in their lifetime or not, it doesn't matter! However, we keep doing our best to reach our dreams, which is changing or maybe not.

When I was kid, maybe I had several dreams I wanna become to be, and I still remember all those dreams till now very well. Why? Because I think, my childhood dreams were not changing too much, even I still want it now. Although I know, it is really impossible to reach it in my new age. So, what were my dreams? I remember, the children in the same age as me, had many various dreams, but they were too general. We would hear that they wanted to become a doctor, teacher, pilot, president, princess, and else. I don't know whether my dreams was general too or not, because in my 4-5 year old, I really wanted to become an architect, a dream that rarely children wanted. I didn't know why, maybe I just was interested in making a building or a house. Whereas at that time, I still didn't know what is actually architect work for. Well that just my first childhood dream. So, although I was still a little kid, I really wanted to enter ITB, haha! Beside this university was near to my grandma's house, and it was my grandma who always support me that one day I should become a student of this university. So, I wished for it in very long time.

As the time went on, I make a change to my dreams, actually not really a change, I just make some options. I still wanted to become an architect in my elementary school age, but I also added other dreams, such as I wanted to be an astronomer, since I was interested in solar system that I really wanted to have a work in NASA (haha!) and also an archeologist, since I was interested in history. Yeah, smart kid! :p

I became a teenager, but my dreams were not changed, and I still added some options again. I began interested in literature world and also English. And it was proved, that my English score was always the best among the others. It made me proud that maybe I should pick the English literature when I entered my college life. So, I want to become a professional writer. In my senior high school age, I started to make many stories, I also began to try make my first novel. I did it, I did my first novel, and it's very teen-lit. Hehe!

It was time to make a decision, where I should go to make one of my dream come true? I had made three options when I was graduated from my senior high school. The first, I still wanted to become an architect, actually. But I made it changed to be an interior designer, not really different however. So I tried to participate for the test in ITB, where my first dream should be come true. Moreover, the two options were in UNPAD, the English Departement and the Library Science (this was actually my mom's suggestion that I was never dreamed about -_-). However, my heart said that I should go for the English Department, after I failed the test in ITB. And now, my dream comes true. I am a writer, but still not a professional writer, I still keep doing this, and I have graduated from my English Department in UNPAD last november 2012. Yeah, Alhamdulillah, I get my goal achievement for my lifetime.

However, there were actually many my childhood or teenage dreams. I'll mention it. I ever wished to become an actress when I was very impressed to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I also made a wish to become a football manager or an assistant of football manager, when I fell in love with Arsenal, haha...!!:D
Well well, these were all my dreams. Nowadays, I still arrange for my other new dreams, that I wish to achieve in my lifetime.

So, what's yours?! ;)

a dream for live

Kamis, Februari 14, 2013

The Power of True Love

"Jika ia mendekat kepada-Ku sejengkal, Aku mendekat kepadanya sehasta. Jika ia mendekat kepada-Ku sehasta, Aku mendekat kepadanya sedepa. Jika ia datang kepada-Ku dengan berjalan (biasa), maka Aku mendatanginya dengan berjalan cepat.” 
(HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)

Ada peribahasa "banyak jalan menuju Roma". Peribahasa ini mengandung arti bahwa begitu banyak cara untuk meraih impian dan harapan. Begitu pula bagi kita seorang Muslim, "banyak pintu menuju surga"! Ya, begitu banyak cara yang dapat dilakukan oleh para Muslim untuk mendapatkan tiket ke surga. Tapi tentunya tidak mudah. Butuh perjuangan dan pengorbanan. Perbuatan apa saja itu? Tentu saja harus sesuai dengan apa yang telah diperintahkan dan jauh dari larangan Allah swt. Selain itu, untuk mendapatkan tiket surga tidak cukup hanya sebatas ibadah wajib saja! Kita perlu menambah tabungan amal kita melalui amalan sunah yang dicontohkan oleh Rasulullah.

Hanya saja, apa-apa yang kita lakukan haruslah berasal dari kesadaran diri kita sendiri serta niat yang lurus karena Allah saja, dan hal itulah yang pada akhirnya akan mengundang datangnya ridho dari Allah swt. Akan tetapi kadang-kadang, kesadaran atau niat yang lurus itu tidak datang ketika kita tidak mencintai Allah. Oleh karena itu, sebagai hamba, sudah seharusnya kita menaruh cinta kita pada Sang Pemilik Cinta, yaitu Allah swt.

Kekuatan cinta tunggal atau Mahabatullah itu merupakan kekuatan cinta tertinggi di antara kekuatan cinta lainnya. Tentu saja! Kita mencintai bukan pada sembarang orang, tapi kepada Sang Pencipta cinta itu sendiri. Ada satu hadits so sweet yang baru saja kutemukan hari ini ketika mengikuti kajian 'Pilar-Pilar Pengokoh Nafsiyah Islam'. Disebutkan bahwa jika seorang hamba telah melaksanakan apa yang diwajibkan Allah kepadanya, lalu diikuti dengan melaksanakan ibadah yang disunahkan, dan bertaqarub kepada Allah dengan perkara yang disunahkan, maka Allah akan mendekat kepadanya dan akan mencintainya. Dalam hadits dari Abu Umamah riwayat ath-Thabrani di dalam Al-Kabir, disebutkan:

"Hamba-Ku yang terus-menerus mendekatkan dirinya kepada-Ku dengan melaksanakan ibadah sunah, maka pasti Aku akan mencintainya. Maka (jika Aku telah mencintainya), Aku akan menjadi hatinya yang ia berpikir dengannya; Aku akan menjadi lisannya yang ia berbicara dengannya; dan Aku akan menjadi matanya yang ia melihat dengannya. Jika ia berdoa kepada-Ku, maka pasti Aku akan mengabulkannya. Jika ia meminta kepada-Ku, maka pasti Aku akan memberinya. Jika ia meminta pertolongan kepada-Ku, maka Aku pasti akan menolongnya. Ibadah hamba-Ku yang paling Aku cintai adalah memberikan nasihat".

Subhanallah... I'm already speechless! :')
Begitulah kekuatan cinta dari Sang Pemilik Cinta, begitu kuat dan besar! Kita mungkin dapat membandingkan dengan diri manusia yang telah dianugerahi oleh Allah dengan gharizah nau atau naluri berkasih sayang, yaitu ketika kita mencintai seseorang, kita bisa memberikan apapun yang mereka inginkan, agar orang-orang yang kita cintai semakin cinta kepada kita. Itu baru sebatas cinta sesama manusia. Bagaimana dengan kekuatan cinta dari Allah. Ketika kita selalu melaksanakan apa yang  telah diperintahkan-Nya, kemudian kita semakin dekat dengan-Nya, tentu saja Allah akan semakin mencintai kita karena perjuangan cinta kita untuk-Nya. Dan Allah tidak akan melepaskan begitu saja para hambaNya yang besar cintanya untuk Allah. Bahkan ada pula hadits di bawah ini:

'Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu‘anhu dari Nabi Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda : "Apabila Allah mencintai hamba, maka Jibril memanggil :
"Sesungguhnya Allah mencintai Fulan, maka cintailah ia"
. Maka Jibril mencintainya. Lalu Jibril memanggil penghuni langit : "Sesungguhnya Allah mencintai Fulan, maka cintailah ia". Maka penghuni langit mencintainya, kemudian di bumi ia menjadi orang yang diterima".'
(HR. Bukhari, Muslim, Imam Malik, dan Turmudzi) 

I'm speechless again :')
Tak bisa dibayangkan oleh logika manusia yang sangat terbatas dan lemah, Allah swt. akan menyuruh seluruh penghuni langit dan bumi untuk mencintai hamba yang Ia cintai, dan pasti seluruh penghuni langit dan bumi itu akan senantiasa mendoakan kebaikan hamba yang Allah cintai itu. Tentu saja, jumlah penghuni langit dan bumi tidak dapat kita hitung, karena jumlah mereka sangat banyak sekali.

Itulah keagungan dari Sang Pemilik Cinta Sejati. Sebagai seorang Muslim tentunya kita tidak ingin melewatkan berkah cinta dari Sang Pencipta, bukan?! Oleh karena itu, mari kita berlomba-lomba mendapatkan cinta sejati dari-Nya. Ya, itulah cinta sejati sepanjang masa yang tak akan pernah berakhir. Tidak seperti kebanyakan bualan atau gombalan para pejuang cinta dunia.

So, what are we gonna wait for? Let's be the love chaser, I mean, let's be His love chaser! Ready?! ;)

Senin, Februari 11, 2013

A Door to Afterlife

كُلُّ نَفْسٍۢ ذَآئِقَةُ ٱلْمَوْتِ
"Every soul will taste death..." (Ali-Imran, 3:185)

There are so many verses in the Quran and Hadith which describe about death. Why? As the verse tell above that 'every soul will taste death', it means that everyone who lives in this world will be dead someday, sooner or later and unpredictable, nobody knows! Rasulullah saw. (PBUH) had told that the most intelligent person is the one who always remember about death and the one who has best prepared to face it (HR.Ibnu Majah, Thabrani, dan Al Haitsamiy).

Death will come to every person so unpredictable, that's why we should prepare all the best to face it. Of course, we don't want to face it without bring anything, right? Death is just like a door which we open to enter a new world out there. If we do not bring anything to make us keep 'alive' and safe there, so what will happen to us? We'll be suffered! Whereas, the world we'll enter is longer even everlasting for our ages. That's why Rasulullah saw. kept telling us to remind this thing which some people forget that they might feel to live in this world forever. This world is only a halfway house, we will leave it sooner or later and come to the place where we belong to.

Death is a silent advice to make people think and even change. The more we remember it, the more also we're closer to Allah, that is what should happen actually. Death is also a breaker all pleasures in the world. We are surrounded by it, wherever we are, we can't avoid it! Even we're hiding in the most secret place, death will find us. That should be remembered!

We should learn from death that we couldn't stay in this world forever. Yup...just remember, our death train will come after us into somewhere new, where the afterlife begins. Just wait, hehe :)

Don't forget to prepare our long journey! Bring all the things you need, and it's all our good deeds in Allah's way! Straight our journey purpose into His heaven, and don't go somewhere else! I hope we all will get the tickets soon, aamiin~!

Good luck and farewell....!
HR. Ibnu Majah, Thabrani, dan Al Haitsamiy.


I just wish that my dreams will come true someday...


Jumat, Februari 08, 2013

No Gift I Can Give

A father's goodness is higher than the mountain, a mother's goodness deeper than the sea. -- Japanese Proverb
Every person maybe have a dream to make his/her parents proud and live happily. Because, parents are everything we own in this world. They love and take care of us since we do not know of single word, single deed, and single thing. They give everything they have for us to keep alive, love, affection, money, energy, knowledge, and there's so much more. Sometimes, we never realize that we can't ever live without them. In our child time, we might make them so busy and troublesome. In our teenage time, we might make them so worried and restless of what we do. In our adult time, we might make them still worried and confused of what we will get in our new life. They often say, that the highest of their happiness is to see their children live happily. However, we still find so many difficulties to make them happy. What should I do in my 22nd year-old?

A few weeks ago, my mom ever told me that she never expect anything from me to make her happy. For her, to see me and my two little sisters being closed to Him, would make her happy. Her words make me realize that I can't ever make her happy. What I feel, just like I only can make my parents disappointed. Yea, she often tells me, she is lucky to have us as her children not just like many children nowadays. I know, we're 'different', even after I have taken this path, my sisters might look to what I do. And I am lucky too, to have this family as my family. Although, sometimes, I make them disappointed.

I do not have any money or wealth to make them happy. If I have, maybe I could give everything they want. But I remember, money or wealth is not the real happiness I should reach. Since I was graduated from my university, I am now jobless, and it means I do not accept any salary, and means no money for me. So, I am still given by my parents. Different from my cousin, after she was graduated from her school, she got a job. Now, she gets much money. And her family might be happy that on the weekend they can be together and go somewhere they want. Yes, today, money is everything. But not for me.

Just to be honest, maybe I want to get money and do what my cousin's family do to make them happy. However, I remember what my mom said. I have no gift to give them, but this path I take. I just want to give them such a real happiness, not only in this world, but also the afterlife. With my two little sisters, we really want to give our parents the tickets of heaven.
Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda "Barangsiapa diantara kalian mempunyai tiga orang anak gadis lalu ia sabar merawatnya dalam keadaan susah dan senang, maka Allah akan memasukkan dia sorga berkat kasih sayang orang itu kepada ketiganya" (H.R. Ahmad).
And that's what I can only try. Maybe I can't ever give them the happiness through wealth, money, tittle, or position, but I will try as the one Rasul had said. I take this path to save my parents, to give them the true happiness, because the true happiness is only come through Allah's will. And that's what I will try, to reach the real happiness through the path He has provided. Wallahualam bisshawab.