Selasa, Maret 26, 2013

My Writing Project Challenge

          I have a novel project about the complicated life of a young man. However, I find it difficult to make its plot and characters. I’ll keep trying to find those all through my life and its relation. But  since I will use a young man as its main character, I’ll find someone’s characteristic  through someone. Who is he? I don’t know, maybe I will make a mix characteristic through some people I know. It will be fun. But, how do I know? Well, if I do not know their characteristics, but we still may find someone’s character through their writings. I also don’t know whose writing I will learn. But, I’ll make my character like to be alive in the story. So I need to find it out.
I have an obsession to be a professional writer and I should have capability to write many kinds of writing. Although I know I have more interest in writing fictional one. I also should learn how to make one’s character. I have written some stories, I also have tried to make both men and women characters, young and adult characters, and how they use their language in different age. Yet still I am an amateur writer. So I need to learn it. I should know many people’s characteristics so through them, I can create many characters I want. I also should read more books to learn writers’ characters, because I believe we can find it through their writings as I’ve told before.
I wish this my novel project will be published at the end of the year. And it's a big challenge for me. So, just wait it! I will make a boom for you all! ;)

what does actually I read?

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