Jumat, Mei 11, 2012


Scrooge and Marley's Ghost

And now, I mix up with one thing. What’s that?! What do you think is that?!

It’s the GHOST!!!! WHOAAA!! So, creeeeeeepyyyy........
Hey, what’s kind of ghost? Actually not really the ghost! Yeah, just the Ghost Stories, hahaha!! Yeah, from now on I will mix up with the ghost stories by Charles Dickens. This is actually for my last assignment in my Bachelor degree a.k.a SKRIPSI!

I don’t know why I’m so much interested in ‘that thing’. At first, actually I really want to discuss about fantasy, because I’m so interested, but because my lecturer said that it would be hard to be discussed. Then, I found A Christmas Carol in my Ebook collection, so I decided to choose this work to be discussed on my paper in Critical Theory. I was actually doubt with this work, but I tried to understand it. Well, okay shortly, I only wanted to discuss Dickens’ work, although I still feel hard to understand his language.

One thing I found which I never expected, the ghost in Dickens’ works is related to one of ideologies.  I learned that we have three ideologies in this world; there are Capitalism, Socialism, and Islam. Since

Dickens lived in 1800-s where the Industry Revolution developed in England, he saw many things happened on that period. The Industry Revolution was very related to the Capitalism, and I assume that Capitalism began at this period which the system of production developed because of Industry, and there were created the social class, especially the worker or labor class. The industry itself should be owned by whom has much money, then there would be appeared the investor. Actually investor itself had been developing since Elizabethan period.

Okay, back to the topic. Why should be the ghost related to one of those ideologies I’ve mentioned above? Since Dickens saw many things happened in England in 1800s which Capitalism had been developing, then he also saw that many social class were created, high class, middle class, and lower class. He felt empathic to people who lived as lower class and worker class. In, A Christmas Carol, the ghosts which appeared had functions. What are their functions?

Uncle Dickens with his cool beard and stories, haha

I saw that the ghosts who appear in A Christmas Carol are as liberator. Since Scrooge, the major character of the story is alienated by society, and then the function of the ghosts is as the liberator for Scrooge to release him from alienation. Alienation which was triggered by Marx, was really closed to Dickens idea in his story. So, Derida in his book The Specter of Marx said that – A specter is haunting Europe --- the specter of communism” according to Marx’s writing The Manifesto of Communist Party.

In A Christmas Carol, the ghost of Marley and three ghost of Christmas come to release him from his alienated condition, so he would save in his life. The word ‘specter’ is the same meaning with the word ‘ghost’. Then, so that’s why I have to say that the ghost in Dickens’ story is related with the ideology. The ideology is Socialism, including also Communism. Maybe, Dickens was also a humanist, since his writings always gave the criticism to the government indirectly which contained socialism inside.

Well, I just make an assumption according to what I’ve read many works of Dickens in his ghost stories.

But maybe I will find many new things after read all his works. So, just wait until I graduate from my university. ;)

The Ghost of Christmas Future in A Christmas Carol

Jalan Setapak Menuju Cahaya

Aku berjalan menapaki tanah kering
Aku menyeberangi jembatan  di atas derasnya sungai
Perjalanan ini masih jauh untuk kucapai
Meskipun begitu,
Aku tak pernah merasakan lelah
Biarlah rasa lelah itu melayang ketika kutiba disana
Di sebuah tempat dimana akan kugapai harapanku
Kuraih impian kecilku
Aku harus terus berjalan
meskipun kuharus lewati badai
Terjangan ombak
Derasnya sungai
Sambaran petir
Kuharus tetap berjalan
Meskipun jembatan itu roboh
Gedung itu ambruk
Aku tak bisa selamanya seperti ini
Kami tak bisa hidup selamanya seperti ini
Dimanakah mereka??
Yang katanya akan menjamin kesejahteraan pada kami
Yang katanya akan memberikan kami cita-cita tinggi itu
Tapi, mereka dusta!!!
Aku tak percaya lagi pada mereka
Aku hanya berharap pada secercah cahaya kehidupan abadi
Yang akan menerangi langit dan bumi dan seluruh alam semesta
Karena ku percaya
Cahaya itu berasal dari-Nya
Cahaya yang akan menerangi seluruh dunia
Karena itu kuyakin
Akan kukejar ilmu sejati
Tuk aku raih cahaya Illahi
Cahaya itu dapat kembali menyinari dunia ini

*untuk pejuang-pejuang kecil yang tangguh di negeri ini ketika sistem pendidikan negeri ini tak lagi dapat menjadi harapan bagi masa depan, hanya cahaya Islam yang dapat mengantarkan pada masa depan yang lebih baik